Wednesday 23 December 2009

Christmas list

Time to have a Christmas break now. Meanwhile, here’s the list of people I’ve sent Christmas cards to. It helps if you say their names non-rhotically.
Emma Dreaming, Arthur White, Chris Muss, Jess Like-Dee, Juan Swee, Hugh Sterno, Wendy Treetops-Glissen, Anne Chilled-Wren, Liz Anne, "Two Ears" Laybelle, Cindy Snow... Emma Dreaming, Arthur White, Chris Musswit, Avery Chris, Miss Carr, Dai Wright, Mayor Dazeby, Mary-Anne Bright, Ann Mayall, Your Chris, Mrs. B. White

Sorry about that. Back on 29 December.


  1. Let me see... I just have Axel Ent left and Hugh Rhone with a question mark.

  2. Thought it was Juan Zye ... Merry Christmas!

  3. There actually is a phonetic point to make about White Christmas. In the the canonical Bing Crosby recording of 1947, the final /t/ in "every Christmas card I write" is not enunciated at all. When my wife heard this song as a child, she asked her parents what a "Christmas [ˈkɑrdəraɪ]" was.

  4. That was absolutely awful ... but fun!

  5. Waugh-King, Ian R Winter, Wanda Land

    Merry Christmas

  6. Wewish Hugh, A. Mary Christmas...

    That one's impassable, becurz it just keeps arn repeading.

  7. As a NNS, I don't understand them all. "Emma Dreaming = Am I dreaming", but I shamefully fail to get most of the others.
    Would anyone be so kind to explain them to me?

  8. It's either "I'm[ə] dreaming" with a crooner's schwa© or "I'm a-dreaming".

    This link might help you with the rest:

  9. Many thanks, it is all clear now. I could have racked my brain forever, but I didn't stand a chance without knowing the lyrics of the song. Grazie e buon Natale!

  10. Memories of Mairzy Doats and Dozy Doats!
    For those who are tickled by such stuff, they 'll find that the Chilled Wren has/have appeared on the Internet before now, if they look out Section 4.3.12 line 5 where they'll find lots more pf the same sort of nonsense. Especially commended to EFL learners/teachers.

  11. Well anon, I'm tickled by such stuff, and I took that as a challenge to produce a version that would tickle me a bit more. Can't presume to predict anyone else's brand of ticklishness. Probably those who are tickled by such stuff should produce their own versions too.

    But I have at least checked that these names actually exist.

    Émma de Rimine, Offa Wight, Kris Maas, Jay Sly-Kirwan, Si Ewe, Stu Knowe, Wenda Tree, "Tops" Gleason, Anne Qiu Zhen, Lee Santo, Hsi A-ssŭ, Laye Bell, Zena Snow, Ahmed Raheem, Inga Farr-White, Chris Muss, "Wee Dave" Rhee, Chrisma Scarr, Dai Wright, May Ure-Daze, Bea Merry, Anne Brighton, May Hollier, Christmas Isby-White.

    Santo has to be Portuguese of course.

  12. WOW! I Love it...
    and i thing thats good for you >>

    FASHION ITEM Thank you!


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